NoTanx, the club, was started in 1999 in london by Marcus Greatwood who saw the need for a community based club. this grew quickly encompassing the philosophy of enjoyment being the goal, rather than chasing numbers.
The training system was formalised and completed in 2007 based on Loic Lerferme’s (marcus’s mentor) ideas. the NT system is a complete training system with Techniques that start with awareness & are suitable for everyone.The health benefits are innumerable, our techniques can relieve asthma, stress and panic attacks. we have run hundreds of courses at all levels and qualified well over 2000 students.
This has lead to a lot of exploration freediving (both in the UK and abroad) as well as running over 40 AIDA competitions.
We now have branches in Surrey, brighton & colchester as well as london.
Over the past 25 years we have introduced over 2000 people to the beauty of diving on a single breath, sent 14 members to the world championships & set 14 national records.
In 2024 we have run
5 UK holidays
500 pool sessions
12 international trips
monthly introduction courses
numerous club social events
Meet the NTX team
Soon after I started freediving in 1999, Loic Leferme said to me “you have to start a club - great things only happen when you have a group of people to make them happen”
Since then NoTanx has enabled a lot of people to interact with the Oceans & Lakes.
I’ve done my fair share of competitive diving - both as an athlete and coach - but for me it always comes back to enjoying where you are at that moment - underwater, weightless, timeless - and that feeling is accessible by everyone.
Julian Clarke
Leatherhead Director & senior instructor
9 years ago I booked myself onto a foundation course as soon as I realised that I could learn to freedive in London. I remember my first trip to the Red Sea; diving past a beautiful hard coral spanning from the surface down to the bright sand, then looking up to see fish dancing in and out of the reef with the silhouettes of my dive buddies seemingly miles above me.
I’m privileged to be able to run Leatherhead Branch: we have a reputation for hard training (with a penchant for cheating!), but in fact our sessions are fun, challenging and incredibly rewarding.
Aleceia De Juan
Brighton Director & A.Instructor
I started to overcome my fear of holding my breath, but I didn’t realise the whole different world that would open up to me.
For me freediving is about the connection with the water and with oneself. I love how quiet everything is under the water.
I like dives that involve some kind of adventure, my favourite place to dive is Cornwall.
With NoTanx I have always felt supported and encouraged to keep progressing while having fun.
ALEX Shakspeare
COLCHESTER co-Director & Instructor
I've been freediving in one way or another for as long as I can remember, but joining NoTanx has taught me a whole new way of understanding how to get the most out of our amazing sport. I love helping our divers along their journeys with the club; seeing a diver progress week-by-week, or make a breakthrough in a single dive, is incredible and I feel really lucky to be able to help.
Along with Yuki I run the Colchester branch, we quite often get the whole pool to ourselves, as well as a deep(ish) pit so we're able to do a bit of everything.
Marco Piccioni
I started spearfishing in the Mediterranean around the age of 7 under my father’s guidance. NoTanx changed the way I experience the ocean and her inhabitants, the environment and ultimately how I conduct my life. Now when I freedive with my father we don’t spearfish any more, we enjoy watching and connecting with fish, it feels amazing.
My favourite dive ever was in 2016 during our Yacht trip in Greece, first time we found “The Ladder” after days of research. First the excitement, then the technical organisation then a set of amazing dives; pure bliss.
Arnaud Palu
When I was 7 years old I spent hours pulling at the flabby bit of skin in between my fingers. I figured that if I was pulling long and hard enough I would have webbed hands, it didn’t work. 13 years later I saw the movie, The Big Blue & realised that there were other people like me.
Freediving is a solitary pursuit, each dive a human journey. The NoTanx school of thought is one of selflessness and empathy, of comprehension and embrace, of surrendering and enjoyment. We do not search for the perfect dive but accept that the best dive is the next.
Yuki reid
colchester co-director & INSTRUCTOR
Notanx changed my life completely since the day I joined in 2016. Now I lead Colchester branch with Alex and train myself in London sessions.
When I am in the sea, the epic dives make me feel that I am one with myself in this timeless zone, it is so magical that words cannot describe. I am lucky to be a part of NTX family. I will remain to be so, forever.
Lucelle Simms
Putney director & A.Instructor
My first taste of freediving was in South-Africa as a teenager, diving for crayfish and abalone, I only discovered the sport through NoTanx 8 years ago. I love the challenges of competition, but it’s the experiences I have in the ocean that stays with me.
My most memorable dive was in Egypt - in a hidden cave that opened up into smaller chambers. Sunlight was breaking through the roof throwing beams of light onto the rock and fish, so beautiful.
Friday night sessions at Putney are incredibly helpful for those who want to work on something specific, fine-tuning techniques.